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A clever little siteswap that counts up from 1 to 5.

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The best way to approach this siteswap is to shift it and think of it as '34512'
This makes it a lot easier to enter it from a cascade, and the 2 provides a nice pause for your brain to process starting the pattern over.
This pattern also feels like everything is leaning to one side, then switches and leans to the other side. It can help to think of it this way when you learn - 12345 to the left, 12345 to the right.
*If you don't understand the numbers - what we call Siteswap - that's okay! You don't NEED to understand siteswap to learn a siteswap, it just makes it a little easier. If you want to learn siteswap, check out this video!
First I recommend practicing the '345' throws.
Do a small crossing throw (3), a non-crossing throw a little higher (4), and a high crossing throw (5). Make sure you throw the last throw (the 5) BEFORE you catch the second throw (the 4), it's easy to get the timing wrong here. You'll end with 3 in one hand. Transfer one back over and practice the other side.

TIP: If pneumonic devices help you, say "cross - up - cross" when you practice this step.
First I recommend practicing the '451' throws.
Do a non-crossing throw (4), a high crossing throw (5), then a quick pass across (1). Practice on both sides!

TIP: It can help to focus on the 5 and 1 throws as a quick "shower". Throw the non-crossing throw (4), then think about doing a quick shower movement (make it high!)
Now we're ready to combine it all together and do a full cycle of 12345. You're basically just combining step 1 and step 2.
Do the small crossing throw (3), then a non-crossing throw (4), then a high crossing throw (5), then a quick pass across (1). Collect. Repeat on both sides.

TIP: A lot of people get stuck on the force throw (1). Just like in step 2, try to focus on the 5 and 1 throws as a quick "shower". The 3 and 4 are the easy part - do those two throws, then think about the high shower move.
Now you combine the two sides you practiced in step 3! As the high throw (5) is coming down, instead of collecting two in one hand you are going to start the pattern over on the other side with the low crossing throw (3).

TIP: There's a nice pause after the quick pass across - that's the '2'. As you watch the high crossing throw (5) come down, use this break to get ready to start with the 3 on the other side!
If you feel like you don't have enough time to start the 3 on the other side, you are either throwing the non crossing throw (4) too high, or the high crossing throw (5) too low. Adjust the heights and see if that helps!