Frequently Asked Questions
Learning FAQ
How do I learn to juggle?
The best way to learn to juggle on your own is usually to watch a tutorial. I have a tutorial here, which covers the learning process step by step and common problems.
If you'd like one-on-one help, consider booking a virtual lesson with me!
Can I use fruit/socks/paper etc. to learn juggling?
Yes, you can use fruit, or socks, crumpled up paper, tennis balls, or anything else round-ish to learn how to juggle. But none of them will be very efficient and will make it harder to learn. With fruit, you’ll probably end up with a messy floor and wasted food. With socks, tennis balls, or paper you’ll struggle with catching because they’re too light and bounce out of your hands.
Learning to juggle with anything other than proper juggling balls will make the process a lot more difficult. Luckily, there are plenty of affordable and high quality juggling balls out there.
The Prop Shop makes a durable and affordable set of beanbags perfect for any juggler regardless of skill level. You can buy them here!
There are also a handful of ways to make decent homemade juggling balls, though they are usually far less durable and most jugglers recommend buying proper ones.
What patterns should I learn next?
There are an infinite number of juggling patterns, sequences, and tricks to learn. While there is no “correct” order to learn them in, some patterns are more difficult than others. Sometimes it can be difficult to know which one to learn next!
I’ve developed a Level System to help break down our pattern database into general difficulty levels. However, keep in mind that everyone learns differently, so some patterns may be easier for you than for someone else.
Additionally, if you’d like some specific guidance on the learning order of common and essential patterns, you can become a $2 member of the site and get access to the Pattern Path (and help out the Jugglers Guide in the process!)
Beyond that, my best advice is to simply... explore! Try different juggling patterns and see how they feel. If they feel too difficult, try something else. You’ll quickly start to develop an awareness of whether a pattern is out of your skill level. You can also watch other jugglers online. Find jugglers who are around your skill level and see what they’re working on!
Am I learning too slow or too fast?
Many jugglers get concerned and frustrated because they feel like they aren’t progressing fast enough. Others worry that they’re progressing too fast and are missing important pieces or developing bad habits.
There is no RIGHT WAY to juggle.
Everyone learns in their own way and at their own pace. You are probably doing better than you think, so don't stress out about it too much. If you're really concerned, you can always book a private lesson!
Where do I find a juggling teacher or coach?
You can hire Taylor as a virtual juggling coach right here on the Jugglers Guide, and support the site in the process!
You can also attend your local juggling club or juggling festival, where you’ll be able to attend workshops and meet jugglers who offer in person or virtual juggling lessons.
General Juggling FAQ
What are the benefits of juggling?
Answer coming soon.
Is juggling a sport?
Yes, juggling is a sport!
And no, juggling is not a sport.
Juggling means different things to different jugglers. The dictionary defines a 'sport' as “an activity involving exertion and skill in which an individual or a team competes against another or others for entertainment.” There are plenty of jugglers who enjoy juggling in this way. They arrange and participate in competitions, often focused on time endurance or juggling a high number of objects.
There are also plenty of jugglers who see juggling as a type of artistic expression, and others who see it as a form of meditation.
There is no universally agreed upon definition of ‘juggling’. There is no right way to ‘juggle’.
Juggling is different for everyone. So if you see juggling as a sport, it is a sport. If you see it as something else, it is also that.
Where can I find other jugglers near me?
Under the Connect tab on the Jugglers Guide header menu, you’ll find Events page. In Events, you can find juggling festivals and conventions you can attend that are happening all over the world, all throughout the year. If you don’t find any near you, why not make your own? If you do, make sure you fill out the club submission form so others can find your club on the Jugglers Guide!
What do terms like flash and qualify mean?
In juggling, the term 'flash' is used in two ways.
The first is a juggling trick where all the objects are thrown up high and the hands are empty for a moment.
The more common use of the term describes when each prop in a juggling pattern is thrown and caught once. For example, with 3 balls, a flash would be throwing each ball once and catching them. The term flash is usually used when learning to juggle to signify a milestone.
A 'qualify' is similar to a flash, except that each prop is thrown and caught twice. So with 3 balls, a qualify would be throwing each ball twice and catching them twice, for a total of 6 catches. Qualify is usually used when learning to juggle to signify the next milestone after a flash. For many jugglers, a qualify is when they consider someone to have successfully “juggled” a pattern.
There are some additional advanced uses of these terms that you can find on Wikipedia.
For more basic juggling terminology, check out this article.
Did I invent this pattern? Can I name it?
Many jugglers want to know if they 'invented' a pattern they came up with, and whether they can give it a name. The answer to this question is, of course, specific to each case.
In my experience, the answer is usually, “no, you did not invent this pattern.”
Juggling has been around for a long time, in many different cultures around the world. Now there are more jugglers than ever exploring a variety of juggling styles every day. It would be impossible to know which patterns are truly 'new' and which were done by someone yesterday, last year, or a hundred years ago. More often than not, the pattern has been done before.
Sometimes the pattern is a very slight variation of another pattern that’s been done, and the question becomes whether that variation warrants 'ownership' or its own name. For me personally, I don't bother naming patterns that are very similar to existing patterns because it tends to get confusing. In many cases, simply adding a descriptive word to the variation can help distinguish it, such as Flipped Mess or Outside Chops. However, there are instances when naming new variations is a good idea, especially when it aids in teaching it to other jugglers. It depends on the situation and the pattern in question.
Nevertheless, It can be very exciting and fulfilling to come up with new patterns, and I encourage everyone to try it. In the end, it doesn’t really matter whether someone else has done it before. The fun is often in discovering it for yourself. Don’t be afraid to give yourself freedom to explore new patterns you’ve never seen before. It doesn’t matter if it has been done before, YOU haven’t done it. The temptation to get credit for a pattern is strong. But I encourage you to enjoy discovering patterns for the experience of doing so, rather than for the potential glory.
The process will make you a better juggler, and be more fulfilling in the end.
The Jugglers Guide does believe that naming and cataloging patterns helps others learn them, so if there is a pattern you know of that you don’t see in the database that should be, please feel free to submit a new pattern using the contact form. Whether you invented it or not.
Juggling Props FAQ
What juggling balls should I buy?
I designed the Propworthy Beanbags to be an affordable and high quality option for all jugglers. I worked with manufacturers for over a year to get the perfect size, material, weight, and feel for jugglers regardless of age or skill level. The result is a durable beanbag I am truly proud of and personally juggle with every day.
You can buy them on The Prop Shop or Amazon (coming soon).
However, there are a variety of other great brands and styles of juggling balls you can try!
Check out the Prop Guide for more prop suggestions for all different skill levels.
What juggling clubs should I buy?
Juggling clubs can be an intimidating purchase. There are many different brands and styles out there to choose from. You can view the Prop Guide for a breakdown on different club options.
If you’re just starting out in club juggling and want an affordable, beginner set of clubs that won't break your budget, I recommend these.
Are poi spinning, hooping, diabolo, etc. considered juggling?
Juggling means different things to different people. There is no universally agreed upon definition of what constitutes juggling and what does not.
Some jugglers see juggling as requiring throws and catches. To these jugglers, poi spinning, hooping and diabolo would not be considered types of juggling.
Some jugglers define juggling as the intentional manipulation of objects. To these jugglers, those props would be considered types of juggling.
Often the only time this really matters is when organizing events like competitions, where one style of juggling may be difficult to judge against another.
Regardless of how you define 'juggling' and which props fit into your definition, the juggling community includes people who explore and enjoy all of these props. It’s not our place to tell someone else how they are allowed to enjoy juggling.
Our community is strongest when we all show respect towards one another and the juggling we each enjoy.
Where do I buy light-up LED juggling props?
For an affordable and durable set of LED juggling balls, check out the Prop Shop LED Glow Balls!
For additional options at various price levels, check out the Prop Guide.
Website FAQ
Who runs the Jugglers Guide website?
The Jugglers Guide website was started and is run by me, Taylor Glenn. Some people know me as Taylor Tries on social media, where I make tutorials and juggling content.
I’m passionate about making juggling more accessible and easier to learn. I started this site as a way to help do that. :)
How do I support the Jugglers Guide?
It takes a lot of time and money to keep this site running and updated with new information.
You can help support it by becoming a member of the site. By doing so, you also gain access to member-only content!
You can also contribute one-time donations via Paypal.
I also understand that some people can’t show support with money. You can always help the Jugglers Guide by sharing it with your friends and social media to help other jugglers find us!

How do I submit a correction or suggestion for the Jugglers Guide?
I’m always updating the Jugglers Guide, and I need your help!
If you find an error, or have a suggestion for a new pattern or article, please fill out this form. Thanks!
I have another question not answered in the FAQs
Send us a message! I'll do my best to get to it ASAP.